In memory of Gaia
* Gaia: 13.jun.2008 - 28.des.2020 *
Mandag 28. desember måtte vi ta forvell med vår kjære Gaia og la henne krysse regnbuebroen. Nå løper hun glad og lykkelig med sin sølvsele.
Vil i fred Gaia
N UCH Takoda Delilah
Banshee, Trampe, Houdini, lilledame - kjær hund har mange navn.
Gaia var en hund jeg overtok som 4,5 år gammel. Hun ble født i Tyskland, og flyttet som ung valp til nord-Sverige hvor hun vokste opp. Det er også her hun ble innkjørt, ble stilt ut og fikk sitt første kull.
Monday the 28th of December we had to say good bye to our dear Gaia and let her cross the rainbow bridge. Now she is running happily around with her silver harness.
Rest in peace Gaia
NO CH Takoda Delilah
Banshee, Trampe, Houdini, lilledame - a dear dog has lots of names.
Gaia came to me as a 4,5 year old dog. She was born in Germany and moved to norther Sweden as a young puppy. She grew up, got to know the ways of a sled dog, was shown and got her first litter here.
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Bilde av Gaia tatt mens hun fortsatt bodde hos kennel Lapicum i nord-Sverige. Photo of Gaia from when se still lived with kennel Lapicum in northern Sweden. |
Gaia elsket å bli klødd på magen. Da hun var noe yngre skulle det ikke mye til får hun "veltet" over på ryggen for å få magekos. Hun hadde i det hele tatt en veldig søt personlighet.
Gaia loved belly rubs. When she was a younger dog it didn't take much to "knock her over" to get her much wanted bellyrubs. She has a very sweet personality.

Hver gang hun var ivrig etter noe, enten det dreide seg om mat, godbiter eller tur stod hun å trampet med forbeinene. Denne adferden har til dels hennes sønn Orca arvet.
Every time she was eager for something, either it was food, treats or exercise she stepped with her front legs. this behaviour is in some degree passed on to her son Orca.
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Gaia får bursdags"kake" til sin 10-års dag. Gaia getting her birthday "cake" for her 10 years old day. |
Gaia fikk to kull her hos oss. Dessverre ble det bare en overlevende fra det første kullet (3 ble født), men til gjengjeld er det en veldig flott tispe som selv har fått to kull hos kennel North Eye's.
Her hos oss beholdt vi to valper fra hennes andre kull: Orca og Såga. To fine, ivrige og greie hunder. I høst ble Gaia for første gang bestemor til noen valper hun møtte da Såga ble mor til et flott kull på 5 valper. Vi er veldig glade for at vi har 2 av hennes valper og 2 av hennes barnebarn.
Gaia had two litters at our place. Unfortunatly only one puppy survived from the first litter (3 was born), but it is a very nice girl who has gotten two litters herself at kennel North Eye's.
We kept two out of 6 puppies from her second litter: Orca and Såga. This autumn Gaia, for the first time, became a grandmother to some puppies she met. Her doughter Såga gave us a wonderful litter of 5 beautiful puppies. We are very happy to have two of her puppies, and two of her grand-puppies here at home.
We kept two out of 6 puppies from her second litter: Orca and Såga. This autumn Gaia, for the first time, became a grandmother to some puppies she met. Her doughter Såga gave us a wonderful litter of 5 beautiful puppies. We are very happy to have two of her puppies, and two of her grand-puppies here at home.
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Gaia med Norrønkullet, hennes 2. og siste kull hos oss. Gaia with the Norse litter, her 2nd and last litter at our place. |
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Gaia med sin sønn Orca (t.v) og sin datter Såga (t.h.) ved siden av Orca står Huldra. Gaia with her son Orca (to the far left) and her daughter Såga (to the right). Next to Orca is Huldra. |
Gaia ble til tider kalt en "Banshee" av oss da hennes lyd ved misnøye over været eller andre ting hørtes ut som noe helt annet enn en hund. Noe jeg minnes med glede. Som en eldre hund fikk hun det som hun ville hvis været var vått (det var det hun likte minst) og fikk da heller være inne på plassen sin. Alle våre hunder sover inne, men de fleste tilbringer mange timer om dagen ute..
As a younger dog Gaia was the worst kind of Houdini. It was almost impossible to keep her in place, either inside the house nor in the dog yard. If she decided to get out, she got out. This something she passed along to Orca as well. It's nice to see pieces of Gaia in her offspring, but this particular bit is frustrating at times. Luckilly she never did anything wrong when she got out, and it wasn't many times in total either. We quickly learned to triple-secure wherever she stayed.
Gaia was at times called a Banshee, as her sound when she didn't like the weather or something else didn't sound like anything "dog". It's a found memory. As an older dog she got what she wanted most of the time. If the weather was wet (which she didn't like at all) she got to stay inside. All our dogs sleep inside, but most spend many ours each day outside.
Gaia was at times called a Banshee, as her sound when she didn't like the weather or something else didn't sound like anything "dog". It's a found memory. As an older dog she got what she wanted most of the time. If the weather was wet (which she didn't like at all) she got to stay inside. All our dogs sleep inside, but most spend many ours each day outside.
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ca 4,5 år gammel |
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ca 4,5 år gammel |
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Gaia og sønnen Orca etter et snøfall i januar 2018 Gaia and her son Orca after a snowfall in January 2018 |
Selv som en gammel hund, men en noe svak bakpart og ikke like stødig som hun pleide å være, så ble hun ingen forsiktig hund. Hvis trappa var litt vanskelig å komme ned, så hoppet hun ned. Hun hoppet med lettet fra stein til stein når hun klatret opp en bratt bakke. Skulle hun fall, så brydde hun seg ikke om det, og fortsatte med det hun holdt på med.
Even as an old dog, with a weakened rear end and not as steady as she used to be, she didn't turn into an careful dog. If the steps was a bit troublesome getting down, she jumped down. She jumped with ease from rock to rock when climbing a steep slope. Should she happen to fall, she didn't care and only kept on going doing her own thing.
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Gaia september 2020 |
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Gaia med 3 av sine barnebarn fra Snøjotnekullet, november 2020 Gaia with 3 of her grandpuppies from Snøjotnekullet, November 2020 |
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