I løpet av 14 uker vil alle våre Siberians ha hver sin uke på Instagram. Følg hos gjerne på Snøfrost Siberians. Etter uken vil alle bilder og tekst også publiseres her i bloggen.
During 14 weeks all our Siberians will get one week each on Instagram. Feel free to follow us at Snøfrost Siberians. After the week all photos and text will be published in the blog as well.
Uke 21 er Huldras uke
Snøfrost Forlokkende Huldra er den tispa vi beholdt fra Eventyrkullet. Dette er Naishas eneste kull, og faren hennes er Freke. Huldra ble født 14. august 2016 og er fortsatt en ung tispe. Hun er en glad hund, enkel med mennesker og går bra sammen med de fleste hunder. Hun havner riktignok i trøbbel noen ganger på grunn av sine påfunn, som de andre hundene ikke alltid setter pris på. Hun er glad i å jobbe og er en hund du ikke merker så mye til. Hun bare gjør jobben sin. Huldra har ikke blitt helsetestet ennå.
Week 21 is "Huldra's week"
Snøfrost Forlokkende Huldra is our keeper girl from our "Eventyrkullet" (Norwegian folk tales litter). And the only litter from Naisha. Her sire is Freke. Huldra was born the 14th of August 2016 and is still a young girl. She is a happy girl, easy with humans and goes well with most dogs though she sometimes gets into trouble with her antics. She loves to work and is a dog you don't notice all that much, she just does her job. Huldra hasn't had her health tests done yet.
Dag 2
Day 2
Huldra as a 12 weeks old puppy first time she sees snow. As all proper snowdogs, she loved it! She was a pretty young puppy. Do you think so too?
Dag 3
Day 3
In January 2018 we got a lot of snow in a couple of days. The fresh and loose snow gave Huldra a deep snow suprise!
Dag 4
Day 4
Huldra, to the left in this photo, does her job well in harness without any fuss. She works evenly and smoothly, and even though she is a small girl she has no problems keeping up with the rest of the team. She does her best work in team position.
Dag 5
Day 5
Huldra may be small in stature (though within standard), but she is capable of working with a backpack as well. She doesn't mind the weight much at all. She has now completed the working pack dog test by Norsk Polarhund klubb at bronze level.
Dag 6
Heldigvis faller mesteparten av når det tørker.
Day 6
Playing with Huldra in the rain makes a muddy Huldra. All my dogs get a bit muddy in rainy weather of course, but Huldra gets muddier than the rest. I have no idea what this dog does to get so muddy! Luckilly most of it fall off when she dries.
Dag 7
Day 7
Last photo of Huldra week shows her playing with her dad Freke the 1st of January this year. This happens to Freke's birthday. Huldra is of course to the left in this photo.
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