NKKs utstillinger i Bø 2019

NKK dogshows in Bø 2019

Snøfrost Tindrende Polaris med handler Marte M. Lie Graasvold. Foto: Mette Hovet

Årets første utstillinger var for oss forrige helg. Fredag 15. februar var det internasjonal utstilling. Jeg var på jobb og sendte for første gang en hund med en handler på utstilling. En utstilling som var rundt 35 km hjemmefra. For hundens del var dette helt fint, hun kjente sin handler litt fra før av og forbandt henne med godbiter og moro. For min del derimot var det noen nervøse timer mens hunden var ute "på egenhånd".

The first dogshows of the year was last weekend for us. Friday the 15th of February it was an international dogshow. I had to be at work, so for the first time I sent a dog with a handler. The show was about 35 km from our home. The dog didn't mind at all. She knew her handler a bit from before and thinks of her as treats and fun. I on the other hand hand some nervewrecking hours while the dog was "out on her own".

Snøfrost Tindrende Polaris gjorde det bra også uten sine eiere til stede. Dommer denne dagen var Tomas Rohlin fra Danmark.

Snøfrost Tindrende Polaris did well again, without her owners prsent. The judge this day was Tomas Rohlin from Denmark.

15 mnd, utmerket type, herlig feminin, smukt velskåret hode, velformede øyne, utmerkede ører, utmerkede kroppsproposjoner, herlig hals og overlinje, mye god benstamme og brystkasse, gode vinkler foran og bak, god hale, litt ungdommelig pels, utmerkede bevegelser, god effektivitet, utmerket temperament. 
My translation: 15 months, excellent type, lovely feminine, well shaped head, well shaped eyes, excellent ears, excellent proportions, lovely neck and top line, very good bones and chest, good angulations in front and behind, good tail, a bit youthful coat, excellent movements, efficient, excellent temperament.

Excellent CK 3. beste tispe CERT

Polaris er nå fullcertet frem til hun fyller 2 år, da trenger hun et CERT til for å bli fullcertet.
Polaris is now fully certificated untill she turns 2 years old when she needs another CAC to become fully certificated.

På lørdag og søndag var det nordisk utstilling i Bø. Jeg hadde meldt på 2 andre hunder til søndagen (dagen siberian husky gikk). Dommer denne dagen var Esa Ruotsolainen fra Finland. 

Saturday and Sunday it was a Nordic dog show in Bø. I had entered 2 different dogs for Sunday (the day siberian huskies was in the ring). The judge this day was Esa Ruotsolainen from Finland.

Snøfrost Ymer den Digre Orca

Very good type, good body proportions, correct headform, slightly round eyes, short neck, correct topline and body, could be more angulated all over, slightly heavy bone, a bit open coat, could have more drive in movement. 

Very Good

Snøfrost Unike Beringia

Excellent type and proportions, femine head, correct expression, a bit soft topline, correct body, good rear angulations, slightly straight front, good coat quality, good movement. 

Excellent CK

Fornøyd med årets først utstilling, og ser frem til neste utstilling. Denne blir antagelig i april.

Pleased with the first dog shows of the year, and looking forward to the next one. That will probably be in April.
