Skudenes Sommerutstilling, dag 2

 Skudenes Summer Show, day 2

meg med Denali og Polaris, Alice med Stjerne og Dovah, Miriam med Serina og Lene med Frøya
me with Denali and Polaris, Alice with Stjerne and Dovah,
Miriam with Serina and Lene with Frøya

Søndag 29. juli var det klart for dag 2 på Karmøy. Været var langt bedre for de av oss som ikke liker den varmeste sorten med rundt 18 grader på morgenen og opp mot 22 grader seinere på dagen, stort sett overskyet.
 Denne dagen kom også Hege som eier Frøya og deltok på utstilligen. Med henne var Lene og døtrene.

Sunday the 29th of July we were ready for day 2 at Karmøy. The weather was a lot better for those of us who doesn't thrive too well in the warmest kind. About 18 degrees C in the morning and around 22 degrees C later in the day, most of the time with clouds.
This day Hege who owns Frøya joined us and participated in the dog show. With here was Lene and the daughters.

Dommeren denne dagen var Roberto Schill fra Romania
The judge this day was Roberto Schill from Romania

Som alltid skulle guttene i ringen først.
As always, it was the boys' turn first

Snøfrost Glitrende Kongle "Dovah", åpenklasse / open class
Serina og Dovah
Correct head. Good proportions. Well set ears. Good size eyes. Correct neck. Very good top and underline. Correct lims. Well set tail. Correct ground movement. Excellent temperament. 
Excellent CK 2.beste hann (2nd best male) CERT  (CAC)

N UCH NJV-11 NordJV-11 Hightower's Freke Winter Spirit, championklasse / champion class

Correct head. Good size ears, strong neck, level topline, good underline. Straight front and rear legs. Well set tail. In movement rotates slightly. Good temperament. 

Excellent CK beste hann (best male) BIM (BOS)

Så var det tispenes tur
Then it was time for the girls

Snøfrost Tindrende Polaris, junioklasse / junior class

Polaris var litt sliten etter lørdagen og det ble mer hopp og sprett i ringen enn normalt. Dommeren hadde god tid denne dagen og var veldig blid og hyggelig. Han synes det var moro at hun, ung som hun er, oppførte seg litt tullete og valpete. Når dommeren skulle sjekke tenner tok hun det som invitasjon til kos og flippet over på ryggen. Normalt sett ville jeg så klart fått henne opp på beina i en fart, men siden dommeren bare gliste og klappet henne på magen før tannsjekken foregikk på ryggen lot jeg henne ha det  moro :)

Polaris was a bit tired from Saturday which in turn meant a bit more jumps and bounces than normally. The judge had lots of time this day, and was smiling and enjoying the playful puppy that she is. When the judge came to check the teeth, Polaris took it as an invitation to get petted and flipped over on her back, belly up. Normally I would of course have gotten her back on the feet quickly but as the judge only smiled and gave her a belly rub before checking the teeth belly up, I let her have fun :) 
Correct head. Well set ears. Excellent neck. Excellent topline and underline. Correct front legs. Enough smooth coat. Well set tail, in movement needs improvment. Free movement, powerful jumps. Lovely temperament. 
Excellent CK BIR-junior (BOB-jr) 3. beste tispe (3rd best bitch) CERT (CAC)

Dette betyr at hun nå er fullcertet på småcert 9 mnd og 1 uke gammel!
This means she has all the small CACs she is allowed to get, only 9 months and 1 week old!

Snøfrost Skimrende Stjernelys, åpenklasse / open class
Correct head. Well set ears, but should be smaller. Excellent neck. Level topline. Enough deep chest. Slightly turned out front feet. Correct rear legs. Well set tail. Groundcovering movement. Good coat. Excellent temperament. 
Excellent CK 1.AKK 2. beste tispe (2nd best bitch)

Snøfrost Ville Aniakchak, "Frøya", åpenklasse / open class
Correct head. Ears too low. Good size eyes. Correct neck. Very good top and underline. Correct front legs. Coat stronger. Well set tail. In movement steps inwards. Very good temperament. Very Good coat.
Excellent CK 2.AKK 4. beste tispe (4th best bitch)

Snøfrost Frydefulle Serina, åpenklase / open class
Correct head. Good nice eyes. Well set ears. Neck needs to be longer. Strong back. Short loins. Very good underline. Should be longer in front. Correct rear and coat. Well set tail. Movement needs more ground. Good coat. Very good temperament.
Excellent CK 3.AKK 5. beste tispe (5th best bitch) res-CERT (res-CAC)

N UCH Hightower's A Dream Comes True, "Denali", veteranklasse / veteran class
Excellent condition. Very good head, very good proportions, well set ears, excellent neck. Excellent top and underline. Correct legs. Well set tail. Good coat. Excellent temperament. 
Excellent CK BIR-veteran (BOB-veteran) beste tispe (best bitch) BIR (BOB)

Snøfrost Oppdrett / Snøfrost breeder class
Oppdrettsklassen bestod av: Dovah, Serina, Polaris og Frøya
The breeder class consisted of: Dovah Serina, Polaris and Frøya

Well balanced, excellent expressions, excellent body structures. Excellent temperaments. Excellent movements. 
beste oppdrett med HP (best breeder class with HP)

Snøfrost Avl etter Denali / Snøfrost progeny group from Denali
Excellent expressions. Very typical heads. Excellent coats. Very good temperaments. 
beste avlsklasse med HP  (best progeny group with HP)

Som gikk videre til å bli BIS avl 

Which went on to be BIS progeny group
Dovah, Serina, Stjerne, Denali og Frøya

Som toppen av kransekaka på en allerede veldig flott utstillingshelg ble Denali
As the cherry on top of the cake for an already great dog show weekend Denali became


Tusen takk til valpekjøpere med familie som stilte opp med hundene sine og hjalp til både her og der, inkludert med å ta bilder.
De to BIS bildene er låt med tillatelse av fotografen.

Thank you so much to the puppy buyers with family who turned up with their dogs and lent a helping hand here and there, including taking photos.
The two BIS photos are loand with premission from the photographer.
