Skudenes Summmer show, day 1
Dagen var varm med rundt 30 grader og solskinn, og jeg er imponert over alle hundene som holdt ut i varmen.
Snøfrost Tindrende Polaris, juniorklasse / junior class
Snøfrost Skimrende Stjernelys, åpenklasse / open class
Snøfrost Frydefulle Serina, åpenklasse / open class
Dette var første gangen Serina og hennes eier var i ringen og de fikk en strålende start.
This was the first time Serina and her owner entered the ring, and they got a really great start.
N UCH Hightower's A Dream Comes True, veteranklasse / veteran class
Excellent BIR-veteran (BOB-veteran)
Snøfrost oppdrett / Snøfrost breeder group
Dette var en varm og hyggelig førstedag på sommerutstillingen, og vi så alle frem til dag 2. Hundene og jeg satte pris på regnet som kom lørdag kveld og den fallende temeraturen.
This was a hot and nice first day at the summer show, and we all looked forward to day 2. The dogs and I appreciated the rain that came Saturday evening and the falling temperatures.
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Miriam med Serina, Alice med Dovah og Stjerne, meg med Polaris og Denali Miriam with Serina, Alice with Dovah and Stjerne, me with Polaris and Denali |
Lørdag 27. juli 2018 var dag 1 av Skudenes sommerutstilling på Karmøy. Jeg tok turen over fjellet da flere av Snøfrost sine valper bor på den kanten av landet og det var dermed en mulighet til å kombinere utstilling med valpetreff. Nå var flere opptatte den helgen, med det var veldig hyggelig å møte de som kunne. De andre håper jeg på å få møte på et annet tidspunkt.
Dagen var varm med rundt 30 grader og solskinn, og jeg er imponert over alle hundene som holdt ut i varmen.
Saturday the 27th of July 2018 was day 1 at Skudenes Summer show at Karmøy. I took the trip across the mountains as several of the Snøfrost puppies lives in this area, and it was a possibillity to combine a dog show with meeting up with some of the puppies. Several of the puppy buyers were busy this weekend, but it was very nice to meet those who could come. I hope to see the others at another time.
The day was very warm with around 30 degrees C and sunshine. I am impressed about all the dogs who endured the heat.
The day was very warm with around 30 degrees C and sunshine. I am impressed about all the dogs who endured the heat.
Lørdagens dommer var Panos Demitriou fra Kypros.
The judge for Saturday was Panos Demitriou from Cyprus.
The judge for Saturday was Panos Demitriou from Cyprus.
Snøfrost Glitrende Kongle, Dovah, var første hund i ringen som hann i åpenklasse / open class male
Good size. Too strong. Prefer more typied head. Ears better placement. Good front and rear. Good topline. Tailset too high under movement. Moves OK, but tail up constantly.
Very Good
N UCH NJV-11 NordJV-11 Hightower's Freke Winter Spirit, hann i championklasse / male in champion class
Big size. Good muzzle. Good expression. Nice front and rear angulation. Correct topline. Would like better placement of the tail and more typical movement of siberian husky.
Så var det tispenes tur.
Then it was the bitches turn.
Then it was the bitches turn.
Snøfrost Tindrende Polaris, juniorklasse / junior class
Nice expression. Typical head. Elegant. A bit long in leg. Good front. Correct topline. Good rear angulations & tail. Good placement of the tail. Moves well.
Excellent CK BIR-junior (BOB-junior) Beste tispe (best bitch) CERT (CAC) og BIR (BOB)
For en brakstart for Polaris så ble 9 mnd 6 dager før utstillingen!
What a flying start she got! Polaris turned 9 months old 6 days before the show.
What a flying start she got! Polaris turned 9 months old 6 days before the show.
Polaris rosetter fra lørdagen Polaris' rosettes from Saturday |
Snøfrost Skimrende Stjernelys, åpenklasse / open class
Would like more substance. Proportion in body OK. Correct muzzle, good stop, good ears. Typical movement.Excellent
Snøfrost Frydefulle Serina, åpenklasse / open class
Good head. Nice expression. Correct proportions. Strong muzzle. nice ears. Good front. Typical hindquarters. Palcement of tail is correct. OK movement.Excellent CK 2. beste tispe (2nd best bitch) og res-CERT (res-CAC)
Dette var første gangen Serina og hennes eier var i ringen og de fikk en strålende start.
This was the first time Serina and her owner entered the ring, and they got a really great start.
N UCH Hightower's A Dream Comes True, veteranklasse / veteran class
Good proportions. In good condition. Enough substance. Good head. Nice front. Good rear angulations. Would like better tail.
Excellent BIR-veteran (BOB-veteran)
Snøfrost oppdrett / Snøfrost breeder group
Well presented. Good temperaments. Good moves. Nice behaviour in the ring. Would be good to see them in the main ring.Beste oppdrett med HP / best breeder group with HP
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Søsknene i Julekullet: Serina, Stjerne og Dovah The siblings in the Christmas litter: Serina, Stjerne and Dovah |
Dette var en varm og hyggelig førstedag på sommerutstillingen, og vi så alle frem til dag 2. Hundene og jeg satte pris på regnet som kom lørdag kveld og den fallende temeraturen.
This was a hot and nice first day at the summer show, and we all looked forward to day 2. The dogs and I appreciated the rain that came Saturday evening and the falling temperatures.
Regnskyer og vind på lørdagskvelden :) Rain clouds and wind Saturday night :) |
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