A visit to the veterinary, and ready for their new homes
På tirsdag den 12. desember var Lucidakullet hos veterinæren og fikk sine vaksiner, ID merking og helseattester. Veterinæren bemerket flere ganger at de var et veldig flott kull, og det er jo alltid moro å høre.
Tuesday the 12th of December the Lucida litter went to the veterinary for their first vaccination, microchipping and health certificates. The veterinary said several times that they are a very good looking litter. Always nice to hear.
Valpene snuste rundt på undersøkelsesrommet og var utforskende og uredde. De hilste på både veterinæren og dyrepleieren, de fleste av de veldig tillitsfulle og fine. Et par var litt mer skeptisk helt i starten med fremmede folk, rare lukter og fremmed sted. Men de kom fort over det. Alle lot seg undersøke uten noe om og men, og alle valpene var greie både med den lille tynne nåla som gir vaksine og den ganske grove nåla som gir microchippen. Bare en av valpene følte for å gi uttrykk for at dette var litt vondt og peip litt, men var ellers like grei som de andre.
Helseattesten til valpene sier:
The puppies were sniffing around in the vet's office, they were curious and fairly unaffected. They greeted both the veterinary and the veterinary nurse, most of them in a were confident and trusting fasion. A couple was a bit more withdrawn in the very beginning with strange people, strange smells and in a strange environment. However they quickly got over it. All of the took the examination without any problems, and all the puppies were good about the fine needle with the vaccine and the coarser needle with the microchip. Only one of the puppies felt the need to express that this did hurt a bit and yelped a little, but was otherwise just as easy as the others.
The puppies health certificate says:
In addition each of the puppies have their own evaluation. In the bitches health certificate it says "Good looking puppy", and the males it says: "Good looking puppy. Only able to find one testicle at the normal position in the scrotum at this time". Some veterinarians will only write "normal" for this in so young males, some writes that they are both there - but that doesn't necessarily mean it will stay that way (I've experienced that myself twice), while yet others like my veterinary, are through and only write what they find then and there, and point out this isn't necessarily what it ends up to be like. We are crossing fingers that both the Lucida males will drop both of their testicles and let them stay down. Missin testicles (or in reality testicles in the wrong place) are unfortunatly not all that unusual in Siberians, but most end up with two testicles in the right place in the end.
Vekten på valpene var som følger (med forbehold da valpene ikke akkurat satt rolig på vekta):
Enif: 4,45 kg
Deneb: 4,35 kg
Vega: 4,70 kg
Polaris: 4,85 kg
Sirius: 5,30 kg
Aldebaran: 5,25 kg
The puppies weights were as follows (with a precaution that they might not be entierly correct as they didn't exactly sit still).
Enif: 4,45 kg
Deneb: 4,35 kg
Vega: 4,70 kg
Polaris: 4,85 kg
Sirius: 5,30 kg
Aldebaran: 5,25 kg
Når alle valpene var blitt ID merket og sjekket og informasjonen lagt inn til NKK så var alt klart for at kullet kunne bli endelig godkjent slik at stamtavlene kunne skrives ut.
When all the puppies had gotten their microchiped and health check-ups and the information sent to NKK, all was ready for the litter to be finally approved and their pedigrees sent out.
I dag, 14. desember kom stamtavlene til valpene. Bare 2 dager etter de fikk sin ID-merking og disse ble meldt inn til NKK, og dette skjedde på kveldstid. Det vil si at NKK fikk stamtavlene i posten formiddagen på onsdag. Raskt jobbet!
Today, the 14th of December, the pedigrees arrived from NKK. Only 2 days after the puppies had gotten their microchiped, and this was sent to NKK, and this happened in the evening on Tuesday. This means NKK printed the pedigrees and had them in the post on Wednesday morning. Quickly done!
Video av valpene, 7 uker gamle
A video of the puppies, 7 weeks old
A video of the puppies, 7 weeks old
På tirsdag den 12. desember var Lucidakullet hos veterinæren og fikk sine vaksiner, ID merking og helseattester. Veterinæren bemerket flere ganger at de var et veldig flott kull, og det er jo alltid moro å høre.
Tuesday the 12th of December the Lucida litter went to the veterinary for their first vaccination, microchipping and health certificates. The veterinary said several times that they are a very good looking litter. Always nice to hear.
Valpene snuste rundt på undersøkelsesrommet og var utforskende og uredde. De hilste på både veterinæren og dyrepleieren, de fleste av de veldig tillitsfulle og fine. Et par var litt mer skeptisk helt i starten med fremmede folk, rare lukter og fremmed sted. Men de kom fort over det. Alle lot seg undersøke uten noe om og men, og alle valpene var greie både med den lille tynne nåla som gir vaksine og den ganske grove nåla som gir microchippen. Bare en av valpene følte for å gi uttrykk for at dette var litt vondt og peip litt, men var ellers like grei som de andre.
Helseattesten til valpene sier:
Helsekontroll, vaksinering og ID merking av valpekull født 21.oktober. 4 tisper og 2 hanner; totalt 6 valper. Alle valpene er i normalt godt hold, og har normal adferd og bevegelser ved undersøkelse på klinikken. Forøvrig ikke påvist medfødte misdannelser eller annen sykdom. Flott valpekull.I tillegg har hver enkelt valp sin egen vurdering, hvor det på tispene står "Fin valp" og på hannene står: "Fin valp, kan kun palpere 1 testikkel på normal plass i pungen foreløpig". En del veterinærer skriver bare "normalt" på så unge hanner som ikke har begge testiklene på plass, noen skriver at begge er på plass uten at det betyr at det blir værende slik (selvopplevd 2 ganger), mens andre igjen - som min veterinær, er nøye og skriver det han finner der og da uten at det har så mye å si for hvordan ting ender med å være. Vi krysser fingrene for at begge Lucida guttene får begge testiklene ned og at de blir værende der. Testikkelmangel (egentlig testikkel på feil sted) er dessverre ikke så uvanlig på Siberians, men de fleste ender opp med å få begge på rett sted til slutt.
The puppies were sniffing around in the vet's office, they were curious and fairly unaffected. They greeted both the veterinary and the veterinary nurse, most of them in a were confident and trusting fasion. A couple was a bit more withdrawn in the very beginning with strange people, strange smells and in a strange environment. However they quickly got over it. All of the took the examination without any problems, and all the puppies were good about the fine needle with the vaccine and the coarser needle with the microchip. Only one of the puppies felt the need to express that this did hurt a bit and yelped a little, but was otherwise just as easy as the others.
The puppies health certificate says:
Health control, vaccination and microchipping of a litter of puppies born the 21st of October. 4 bitches and 2 males; a total of 6 puppies. All the puppies are in normal condition and has a normal behaviour and movements during examination at the clinic. No congential faults or other diseases were found. Wonderful litter.
In addition each of the puppies have their own evaluation. In the bitches health certificate it says "Good looking puppy", and the males it says: "Good looking puppy. Only able to find one testicle at the normal position in the scrotum at this time". Some veterinarians will only write "normal" for this in so young males, some writes that they are both there - but that doesn't necessarily mean it will stay that way (I've experienced that myself twice), while yet others like my veterinary, are through and only write what they find then and there, and point out this isn't necessarily what it ends up to be like. We are crossing fingers that both the Lucida males will drop both of their testicles and let them stay down. Missin testicles (or in reality testicles in the wrong place) are unfortunatly not all that unusual in Siberians, but most end up with two testicles in the right place in the end.
Vekten på valpene var som følger (med forbehold da valpene ikke akkurat satt rolig på vekta):
Enif: 4,45 kg
Deneb: 4,35 kg
Vega: 4,70 kg
Polaris: 4,85 kg
Sirius: 5,30 kg
Aldebaran: 5,25 kg
The puppies weights were as follows (with a precaution that they might not be entierly correct as they didn't exactly sit still).
Enif: 4,45 kg
Deneb: 4,35 kg
Vega: 4,70 kg
Polaris: 4,85 kg
Sirius: 5,30 kg
Aldebaran: 5,25 kg
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Enif får sin ID merking Enif getting her microchip |
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Deneb får tennene sjekket Deneb having her teeth checked |
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Vega får hjertelyden sjekket Vega has her heart listened at |
Når alle valpene var blitt ID merket og sjekket og informasjonen lagt inn til NKK så var alt klart for at kullet kunne bli endelig godkjent slik at stamtavlene kunne skrives ut.
When all the puppies had gotten their microchiped and health check-ups and the information sent to NKK, all was ready for the litter to be finally approved and their pedigrees sent out.
I dag, 14. desember kom stamtavlene til valpene. Bare 2 dager etter de fikk sin ID-merking og disse ble meldt inn til NKK, og dette skjedde på kveldstid. Det vil si at NKK fikk stamtavlene i posten formiddagen på onsdag. Raskt jobbet!
Today, the 14th of December, the pedigrees arrived from NKK. Only 2 days after the puppies had gotten their microchiped, and this was sent to NKK, and this happened in the evening on Tuesday. This means NKK printed the pedigrees and had them in the post on Wednesday morning. Quickly done!
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