last CAC for a Snøfrost at Stord, and Dogs 4 All
12. november var Snøfrost Ville Aniachak på utstilling på Stord. Hun fikk en fin kritikk av dommeren Ricky Lochs-Romans fra Nederland.
The 12th of November Snøfrost Ville Aniakchak attended a dog show at Stord. She got a very nice cirtique from the Dutch judge Ricky Lochs-Romans
Excellent CQ CAC BOB
Med dette er Frøya fullcertet da hun nå har alle certene for norsk utstillingschampionat, men hun trenger en bruksmeritering for å løse inn championatet.
With this result Frøya has all the points/CACs she needs for the Norwegian show championship, but she needs a working trail to get the title.
12. november var Snøfrost Ville Aniachak på utstilling på Stord. Hun fikk en fin kritikk av dommeren Ricky Lochs-Romans fra Nederland.
The 12th of November Snøfrost Ville Aniakchak attended a dog show at Stord. She got a very nice cirtique from the Dutch judge Ricky Lochs-Romans
2 years old. Very typical in nose to tail. Everything we like to see in a standard type. Little longer legs than body depth. Typical foxtail. Lovely typical coat. Beautiful head in every part. Moving very nice with elegance, low to ground in a good way.Excellent CK CERT BIR
Excellent CQ CAC BOB
Med dette er Frøya fullcertet da hun nå har alle certene for norsk utstillingschampionat, men hun trenger en bruksmeritering for å løse inn championatet.
Tusen takk til eier Hege Nilsen for at du har stilt henne ut.
With this result Frøya has all the points/CACs she needs for the Norwegian show championship, but she needs a working trail to get the title.
Thank you so much to the owner Hege Nilsen for exhibiting her.
Dogs 4 All - Norsk Vinnerutstilling
Var ingen stor suksess for oss i år, men jeg hadde en trivelig dag på utstilling med venner, og valpen Dalbris som bare var med for treningens skyld fikk mye fin mijøtrening.
Dommeren var den irske Fiona Clarke
Dommeren var den irske Fiona Clarke
Jeg hadde med meg junioren Snøfrost Forlokkende Huldra som fikk en very good
The Norwegian winner show wasn't any big sucess this year, but I had a nice day at the dogs show with friends and the puppy Dalbris (not entered) got a lot of nice show ground training.
The judge was Irish Fiona Clarke.
I brought the junior female Snøfrost Forlokkende Huldra who ended up with a very good.
The judge was Irish Fiona Clarke.
I brought the junior female Snøfrost Forlokkende Huldra who ended up with a very good.
og veteranen N UCH Hightower's A Dream Comes True som fikk Excellent.
and the veteran N UCH Hightower's A Dream Comes True who got an Excellent.
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