NKK Rogaland med suksess

NKK Rogaland with sucess

Lørdag 9. september tok jeg turen til NKK Rogaland med Fjellbris og Orca. Dalbris var med for mijøtrening.  Det er et stykke til Rogaland, ca 6 timer med bil, så jeg stod opp klokken 03:30 for å kjøre kystveien frem. Vi hadde oppmøte først klokken 12:00, og vi var på plass litt før 10.

Dommer denne dagen var Marja Kavcic fra Slovenia, og det var 10 Siberian Husky påmeldt.

Bildene av Fjellbris og Orca er tatt søndag 10. september.

Saturday the 9th of September I took the trip to NKK Rogaland with Fjellbris and Orca. Dalbris came along for the sake of show training. There is a bit to drive to Rogaland, about 6 hours in car. I got up at 03:30 in the night to drive along the coast to Orre. We had ring-time at noon, and I arrived around 10 a.m.

The judge this day was Marja Kavcic from Slovenia, and there was 10 Siberian Huskies entered.

The photos of Fjellbris and Orca was shot at Sunday the 10th of September. 

Snøfrost Ymer den digre Orca

stilte i åpenklasse hann, og fikk følgende kritikk:
was shown in open class males, and got the following critique:

3 years old, medium sized head, deeper stop, full dentition, bit round eyes, well set ears, short body, deep chest, in movement - correct in front and too wide behind and a bit stiff. Too bent carriage of tail. Nice coat.
Excellent.AK 1.AKK

Snøfrost Kjølige Fjellbris
stilte i åpenklasse tispe, og fikk følgende kritikk
was shown in open class bitches, and god the following critique:

5 years old, very nice feminine head, correct eyes, ears and dentition, long neck, correct shape of body, long legs with good feet and bones. Balanced movement with medium steps, excellent coat quality, friendly temperament
Excellent.AK 2.AKK CK 2.BTK CERT og res-CACIB

Endelig fikk Fjellbris det etterlengtede stor-certet!
Hun har nå alle certene for Norsk Utstillingschampionat og trenger en 3.premiering fra trekkhundprøve for å få championatet.

Finally Fjellbris got the sought after big-CAC (a requirement for championship in Norway).
She now has all the CACs required to become a Norwegian Show Champion, and needs a 3rd price from a working test to get her champion title.

Hjemmover kjørte jeg over fjellet, og her er noen bilder av den flotte naturen vi har i Norge. Veien over fjellet her er veldig smal og byr på enkelte utfordringer, men samtidig går den i fine omgivelser.

Back home I drove the mountain road, and here are some photos of the wonderful nature we have in Norway. The mountain road is very narrow and has some challenges in store, but at the same time goes through wonderful scenery. 
