
Dog show weekend

Denne helgen var en utstillingshelg for oss. 

Den startet med Bolt, Northspring's Green Lake, som bor hos Monica, Snykovet kennel, i Tromsø. Han ble vist for første gang i juniorklassen i går, 9 mnd gammel. Fikk en strålende kritikk og veldig bra resultater. Så gode som man kan håpe for på en ung junior hann.
9 months, good looking young dog, very good proportions, very nice head, dark eyes, good expression, good standing ears, straight strong topline, good shoulders, good ribs, good muscled, very nice coat, very nice condition, easy movement, lovely temperent.
Excellent, CK, CERT. BIM
Dommer: Jo Schepers.

This weekend was a dog show weekend for us.

It started with Bolt, Northspring's Green Lake, living with Monica at Snykovet kennel in Tromsø. He was shown for the very first time in Junior class yesterday. Only 9 months old. He got a really nice critique and excellent results. As good as one could ever hope for in a young junior male. 

9 months, good looking young dog, very good proportions, very nice head, dark eyes, good expression, good standing ears, straight strong topline, good shoulders, good ribs, good muscled, very nice coat, very nice condition, easy movement, lovely temperent.
Excellent, CK, CERT. BOS
Judge: Jo Schepers.

I dag var en ny dag i Tromsø og en ny dommer. Bolt falt ikke helt i smak hos dommeren i dag, men det er helt greit. Han er en ung og uferdig hann i juniorklasse. Han skal utvikles mye og jeg personlig er glad for han er "litt luftig" dvs at han er litt lettbygd. Siden han er så ung vil han utvikles mye og han vil sette seg et sted mellom 2 og 3 år gammel. Da vil han ikke lenger være like lett å se på, men en flott og ferdig utvokst Siberian. Det kan selvsagt være at han aldri vil falle i smak for denne dommeren, men jeg og hans co-eier er svært fornøyde med ham og da betyr ikke fargen på sløyfa noe i den større sammenhengen.

9 måneder, litt luftig hanne, godt hode, fin lengde neseparti, fine øyne og ører, god lenge på hals men må gå bedre inn i skulder, god overlinje, litt høyt anslått og båret hale, moderat vinklet, noe trang bak, må senke hodet for og få bedre bevegelser, god pels, vell presentert.
Very Good
Dommer: Gunnar Nymann

Today was a new day in Tromsø, and a new judge. Bolt wasn't completely to the taste of today's judge, but that's fine. He is a young and unfinished male in junior class. He has a lot of developing to do, and personally I'm happy he is "a little rangy". It means he is a bit lightly bult. Since he is such a young boy he will dvelop and get set somewhere between 2 and 3 years old. Then he won't be as lightly built to look at, but a wonderfully adult Siberian. Of course he might never be to this particular judge's taste, but me and his co-owner is very pleased with him and the colour of the ribbon doesn't mean anything in the bigger picture. 

9 months, little rangy male, good head, good muzzle length, nice eyes and ears, good length on the neck but must grow better into the shoulder, good topline, a little high projected and carried tail, moderately angled, somewhat narrow between the hind legs, must lower head to get better movement, good coat, well presented
Very Good
Judge: Gunnar Nymann

I dag var vi selv på en utstilling i Drammen  med et par av hundene som bor her hos oss.
N UCH NJV-11 NordJV-11 Hightower's Freke Winter Spirit var i ringen for første gang på 1 år. Han koste seg i ringen som vanlig og dommeren satte pris på hva hun så. 

Excellent condition and propotions. Excellent format. Excellent head, excellent ears, excellent almond shape eyes, excellent deep chest, excellent strong, straight back. Excellend underline. Excellent forelegs, prarallel. Excellent rear, excellent tail. excellent movements. Excellent coat and colour.  
Excellent, CK, BIR
Dommer: Nikolina Davidovska

Today we went to a dogs show in Drammen ourselves with a couple of the dogs living at our place.
N UCH NJV-11 NordJV-11 Hightower's Freke Winter Spirit was entered the ring for the first time in a year. He loved it as always and the judge appreciated what she saw.

Excellent condition and propotions. Excellent format. Excellent head, excellent ears, excellent almond shape eyes, excellent deep chest, excellent strong, straight back. Excellend underline. Excellent forelegs, prarallel. Excellent rear, excellent tail. excellent movements. Excellent coat and colour.  
Excellent, CK, BOB
Judge : Nikolina Davidovska

Vi viste også Snøfrost Skimmrende Stjernelys for første gang i unghundklassen. Hun er 19mnd og så vidt ute av juniorklassen.

Excellent condition, Excellent format, excellent head, excellent ears, excellent shaped eyes, scisorbite, teeth complete, black nose, excellent chest, excellent strong, straight back, excellent forelegs and rear, excellent tail, very good movements, excellent coat and colour
Excellent, CK, 2. beste tispe, R-CERT
Dommer: Nikolina Davidovska

We also showed our Snøfrost Skimmrende Stjernelys for the first time in intermediate class. She is 19 months old and barely out of junior class. 

Excellent condition, Excellent format, excellent head, excellent ears, excellent shaped eyes, scisorbite, teeth complete, black nose, excellent chest, excellent strong, straight back, excellent forelegs and rear, excellent tail, very good movements, excellent coat and colour
Excellent, CK, best bitch #2, Res-CAC
Judge : Nikolina Davidovska

Vi er strålende fornøyd med utstillingshelgen og hvordan våre hunder oppførte seg i ringen. Fra Bolt som bor i nord og Freke og Stjerne som bor her hos oss.

We are very happy and pleased with the results this dog show weekend, and how our dogs behaved in the ring. From Bolt living in the north to Freke and Stjerne living here with us.
