Sjokkerende bra resultater!

Schockingly good results!

I dag deltok Beringia og Naisha på Tønsberg Hundeklubb sin utstilling i Sandefjord. Jeg deltok med disse to da de begge trenger litt trening i ringen, og Naisha som kom hit i slutten av januar etter å ha levd et rolig og fint liv som familiehund trenger også miljøtreningen. Jeg håpet på Excellent på Beringia, kanskje hun ville klare å reptere CK'en fra sin første utstilling? Hun er fortsatt er veldig ung, bare 10 mnd gammel, og ganske valpete. Så jeg hadde ingen store forventninger. Naisha håpet jeg på en forbedring fra forrige utstilling. En very good eller kanskje en excellent.
Slik gikk det ikke, det gikk langt bedre! 

Today Beringia and Naisha participated in Tønsberg Hundeklubb's national dog show in Sandefjord. I brought these two as the both need some ring experience, and Naisha who came back to us in the end of January after livng a calm and nice life as a family dog needed the environmental practise as well. I hoped for an Excellent to Beringia, and maybe with a bit of luck a repeat on her CK from her first dogs show in official clases. She still is only 10 months old and quite the puppy. Meaning I didn't have any high expectations. Naisha I hoped for an improved judgement to her last show. A very good or perhaps an excellent.
This didn't happen, it went way better!

Dommer for dagen var Marie Bailey, Irland
The judge of the day was Marie Bailey, Ireland

Very nice young female, nice head, nice eyes, scissors bite, nice reach of neck, correct topline, excellent bone, very good feet, correct coat, excellent movement. 
Exc.JK 2.JKK CK 3.BTK (3rd BB) 

Nice outline, good head, nicea ear set, nice eyes, correct bite, nice topline, very good bone, very nice feet, excellent movement.
Exc.AK 1.AKK CK 2.BTK (2nd BB), R-CAC
