Norwegian Chow Chow Club show the 13th and 14th of June 2015
Lørdag 13. og søndag 14. juni var vi på en dobbelutstilling i regi av NCCK i strålende vær på Sanda camping i Bø. Forventningene var ikke så høye da dommerne var noe ukjente kort, en hund var naken og en annen røytet.
Dette ville også være Sågas debut i juniorklassen, og hun har ikke blitt trent utstilling med på en god stund.
Saturday the 13th and Sunday the 14th of June we went to a double show put on by NCCK in bright sunny weather on Sanda camping in Bø. The expectations wasn't all that high as the judges was of somewhat uncertain preferances to me, one dog was completely naked and another was shedding rather heavily.
This was also Sågas debut in the junior class, and she hadn't been trained for show for a good while.
Jeg er strålende fornøyd med helgens resultater!
Dommeren på lørdag var Philip Behan fra Irland, og på søndag Harto Stockmari fra Finland
I am extremly happy about the results this weekend!
Judge on Saturday was Philip Behan from Ireland, on Sunday Harto Stockmari from Finland
Snøfrorst Ymer den Digre Orca
og med dette er Orca fullcertet på småcert bare 13 mnd gammel! Nå går vi på jakt for storcertet, som må bli gitt på en NKK utstilling.
and with this Orca has all the small certificates he needs only 13 months old! Now we go hunting for the big certificate which must be awared at a show put on by NKK.
Snøfrost Såga den Vise
Med en liten tispe uten pels og fortsatt i utvikling er jeg veldig fornøyd med hennes to Excellent fra denne helgen. Vi kommer sterkere tilbake når hun har fått utvikle seg litt mer og grodd litt pels igjen.
With a small bitch with no coat and still in development I am very pleased with her two Excellents from this weekend. We will return stronger when she has developed a bit further and has grown back some coat.
Snøfrost Skimrende Stjernelys
Stjerne ble dømt av Mona K. Selbach fra Norge/ Stjerne was judged by Mona K. Selbach from Norway
Ikke nok med at Stjerne i dag fikk en god kritikk, men BIS dommer Harto Stockmari fra Finland likte henne veldig godt og hun ble BEST IN SHOW VALP!
Kjempemoro og overhodet ikke forventet.
Not only did Stjerne get a good critique today, but BIS judge Harto Stockmari fron Finland liked her a lot and she ended up as BEST IN SHOW PUPPY!
Great fun and not at all expected.
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Orca |
Lørdag 13. og søndag 14. juni var vi på en dobbelutstilling i regi av NCCK i strålende vær på Sanda camping i Bø. Forventningene var ikke så høye da dommerne var noe ukjente kort, en hund var naken og en annen røytet.
Dette ville også være Sågas debut i juniorklassen, og hun har ikke blitt trent utstilling med på en god stund.
Saturday the 13th and Sunday the 14th of June we went to a double show put on by NCCK in bright sunny weather on Sanda camping in Bø. The expectations wasn't all that high as the judges was of somewhat uncertain preferances to me, one dog was completely naked and another was shedding rather heavily.
This was also Sågas debut in the junior class, and she hadn't been trained for show for a good while.
Jeg er strålende fornøyd med helgens resultater!
Dommeren på lørdag var Philip Behan fra Irland, og på søndag Harto Stockmari fra Finland
I am extremly happy about the results this weekend!
Judge on Saturday was Philip Behan from Ireland, on Sunday Harto Stockmari from Finland
Snøfrorst Ymer den Digre Orca
Good head, using ears really well, nice eyes, good front lengs, nice and straight topline, nice hindquarters, not overdone, overall moving very good, good drive from behind.
Maskulin, bra proposjoner, bra hode og uttrykk, korrekt bitt, bra hals, overlinje og svansansett, velkroppad, velvinklet, bra pels, trevlig temperament, rør seg bra.
Masculine, good proportions, good head and expression, correct bite, good neck, topline and tail set. Good body, well angulated, good coat, good temperament, moves very well.
og med dette er Orca fullcertet på småcert bare 13 mnd gammel! Nå går vi på jakt for storcertet, som må bli gitt på en NKK utstilling.
and with this Orca has all the small certificates he needs only 13 months old! Now we go hunting for the big certificate which must be awared at a show put on by NKK.
Snøfrost Såga den Vise
Good head, nice expression, good bite, nice eyes, good front, adequate bone, could have more depth in chest, straight topline, overall would like to see some more substance, overall moving very good.
Feminin, bra proposjoner, bra hode og uttrykk, korrekt bitt, bra hals, front kan utvikles, velkroppad, bra bakstell, velvinklet, ennu løse frembensbevegelser, ei i full pels for dagen, bra bevegelser bak.
Feminine, good proportions, good head and expression, correct bite, goodo neck, front needs more development, good body, good hindquarters, still somewhat loose in front movements, not inn full coat today, good movements from behind.
Med en liten tispe uten pels og fortsatt i utvikling er jeg veldig fornøyd med hennes to Excellent fra denne helgen. Vi kommer sterkere tilbake når hun har fått utvikle seg litt mer og grodd litt pels igjen.
With a small bitch with no coat and still in development I am very pleased with her two Excellents from this weekend. We will return stronger when she has developed a bit further and has grown back some coat.
Snøfrost Skimrende Stjernelys
Good overall apperance, correct bite, using ears really well, good front, good parallel legs, good streight topline, nice hindquarters, overall movement very good, very promising
Stjerne ble dømt av Mona K. Selbach fra Norge/ Stjerne was judged by Mona K. Selbach from Norway
5 mnd, meget gode rørelser, velutviklet hode, fint bitt, fine ører, god hals, fin overlinje, velvinklet, vel ansatt og båret hale, god beinstamme, god pels og farge.
5 months old, very good movements, well develpoed head, nice bite, nice ears, good neck, nice topline, well angulated, well set and carried tail, good bones, good coat and colour.
Ikke nok med at Stjerne i dag fikk en god kritikk, men BIS dommer Harto Stockmari fra Finland likte henne veldig godt og hun ble BEST IN SHOW VALP!
Kjempemoro og overhodet ikke forventet.
Not only did Stjerne get a good critique today, but BIS judge Harto Stockmari fron Finland liked her a lot and she ended up as BEST IN SHOW PUPPY!
Great fun and not at all expected.
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Stjerne var sliten på slutten og står ikke så fint, men pytt :) Stjerne was tired at the end and doesn't stand all that well, but it doesn't matter :) |
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