
En fredag ettermiddag med regn er et fint tidspunkt å gå tur i naturen rundt Grenland. Veldig lite folk i sikte, noe som passer bra når man skal holde styr på 3 ivrige Siberians; mine to, Denali og Freke, og Tinto en hund jeg passer i noen dager nå skal passe jevnlig fremover.

A Friday afternoon with rain is a good time to take a hike in the nature around Grenland. Very little people about, something that is all well when you are trying to keep control of 2 eager Siberians. My two, Denali and Freke, and Tinto a dog I am looking after for a few days and will have from time to time in the future as well.

Fantekjerringkollen 250 moh

Freke, Tinto & Denali

Denali og Freke; leketid / playtime

Tinto vil også leke / Tinto wants to play too

Trytetjern i regn / Trytetjern during rain
